Description of the breed
Description of Welsh Mountain Ram Pedigree. (Females similar, bearing in mind her
feminine characteristics)
Head - Masculine, of moderate length and with strong jaw, wedge shaped, tapering
towards nose, a dished face undesirable. Broad forehead and muzzle. Horns fairly
strong and well curved, not too close at the roots. The cheeks, poll and forehead to
be free of wool.
Head Color - White or slightly tanned, dark tan undesirable, grey to disqualify. Black
nose preferred, but speckled nose not to disqualify.
Eyes - Prominent and bright.
Ears - Small and thin, obliquely set.
Neck – Strong and thick.
Throat - Short and well defined.
Brisket - Wide and prominent.
Shoulder – Nicely rounded, level with back.
Rib - Well sprung, deep in the region of the heart.
Back - Straight. Loins: Strong.
Hindquarters - Thick and well let down.
Tail - Medium length, strong and bushy.
Legs - Of moderate length with bone of medium strength. Hocks to be free from
wool. Colour, white or to be slightly tanned, dark tan undesirable, grey to disqualify.
Underline - Straight, the scrotum to be free from wool.
Skin - Pink and mellow touch.
Wool - White, medium length, firm to handle, a small proportion of hemp not to
disqualify. Curly wool, red kemp and black spotting in the fleece undesirable.
NOTE: By decision of the Executive Committee (24 March 1961). Judges are reminded
of the following faults which disqualify exhibits:
Grey faces and/or grey legs.
Permanent blindness.
Overshot jaw/undershot jaw.
Unsound feet or legs.
Genital defects
By resolution of the Society's Annual General Meeting (2017)
Horned ewes only to be disqualified if the horn has broken through the skin